What types of chemical peels are available in Mountain View, CA at The Menkes Clinic?

Dr. Andrew Menkes of The Menkes Clinic is a quality doctor who provides patients in the Mountain View, CA area with a complete range of dermatological services to improve the appearance and health of the skin and body. Some patients visit his practice to ask about appropriate treatment for conditions such as:
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Photo damage (sun damage)
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Shallow acne scars
  • Dull texture and tone

Chemical peels are like facials that help in providing better skin cell turnover, thus removing the dead skin cells and bringing forth healthy skin free from imperfections. This method of treatment is often chosen by patients who do not want to undergo aggressive laser therapies and want something that can vary in strength. Patients with severe skin concerns may benefit from an aggressive peel while others may do well with mild, less aggressive chemical peels. This can be determined during an initial consultation appointment with Dr. Andrew Menkes.

There are several different types of chemical peels available for patients in the Mountain View, CA area. The Menkes Clinic offers the following solutions:

  • Vivite peel
  • Glycolic peel
  • Lactic gel peel
  • Salicylic peel
  • Mandelic peel
  • Micropeel sensitive skin solution
  • Micropeels plus (salicylic and glycolic)
  • Micropeel solution (glycolic)
  • Pigment balancing masque
  • Alpha/Beta facial treatment

Chemical peels are safe when administered by a professional such as Dr. Andrew Menkes and his aestheticians. Patients relax in the treatment chair while their face is prepared for the treatment with a mild cleanser. The chemical peel gel is applied to the skin and left on for a specific period, often one to two minutes. Then, the peel is removed from the skin and the face is cleansed. Moisturizer and sunscreen are applied, and patients are given aftercare instructions. Many chemical peels result in redness and peeling, but this is part of the rejuvenation process.

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