Let’s face it! We want to look our best at any age — not over-filled and over-stretched – just natural. We want to age gracefully, beautifully and elegantly. Inevitably, fine lines and wrinkles set in, and now there is a simple, minimally-invasive treatment that will address those concerns and have you out to dinner that same night.
The demand for non-invasive alternatives to cosmetic surgery has grown exponentially in the last few years and is projected to continue growing for the next five years.

Amongst the fastest growing treatments is skin rejuvenation – a minimally invasive treatment that triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin by creating tiny punctures in the top layer of skin.
The Menkes Clinic in Mountain View, CA is now offering Vivace RF for microneedling and skin tightening – the newest generation in technology that offers the highest level of skincare benefits via a no downtime procedure.

If you are interested in Vivace RF treatments in Mountain View, CA and surrounding areas, call today to schedule an appointment!
What Is Vivace?
Vivace is the latest generation of radiofrequency microneedling. This innovative system is FDA-approved and it actually combines microneedling, radiofrequency energy, and blue and red LED energy for the largest possible boost in collagen production.
Other stand-alone radiofrequency skin tightening treatments need to use lower levels of RF energy because the energy first needs to penetrate the epidermis and this can lead to skin burns. Vivace instead combines RF energy delivery with microneedling. As the needles reach their full penetration depth — we can vary the penetration depths from 0.5 to 3.5 mm depending on the area being treated — they emit the burst of RF energy directly into the dermis layer of the skin. This second layer, beneath the outer epidermis, is where collagen and elastin work to provide the skin’s underlying structural system. We can deliver higher levels of RF energy into the dermis, which triggers the wound response mechanism that leads to new production of collagen and elastin to “heal” the perceived wounds, although there aren’t any actual wounds.
Vivace then goes one step further, by delivering both red and blue LED light therapy onto the target areas. This further ramps up the collagen and elastin production.
How Does Vivace RF Microneedling Work?
The Vivace Fractional microneedling device combines the benefits of microneedling with the skin tightening effects of radiofrequency (RF) and LED light therapy. This trifecta of microneedling improves skin tone, texture and firmness.
In addition to being the most comprehensive RF microneedling device on the market, the Vivace treats all skin types more precisely and deeply.

The 36-gold tipped needles are robotically controlled minimizing discomfort, eliminating downtime and creating an ideal skin canvas to administer post-treatment serums.
The Vivace is effective for reducing wrinkles, eliminating acne scars and stretchmarks and skin tightening. While results are often immediate, there is an improvement over a three-month period as the process of collagen regeneration increases over time. It is recommended that patients undergo three treatments for optimal results.
What Are The Benefits Of Vivace RF?
Benefits of Vivace RF include:
- Alleviates Wrinkles & Fine Lines
- Tighten Skin
- Minimize Pore Size
- Improve Skin Tone & Texture
- No Downtime
- Minimize Pore Size
- Virtually Pain-Free

How Is A Vivace Treatment Done?
As mentioned above, your skin is first treated with numbing cream 30-45 minutes prior to your session. Then we take the pen-like handpiece, complete with its 36 sterile, gold-tipped needles, and move it across the treatment areas. At the same time as the needles are moving up and down delivering their RF energy in pulses, LED light energy is also directed downward onto the treatment areas. We may make a second pass depending on your skin condition and what we are trying to accomplish.
The Menkes Clinic proudly treats patients from Mountain View, CA, and surrounding areas. Contact us at 650-962-4600 or request an appointment here.
Would I Be A Good Candidate For Vivace?
These radiofrequency microneedling treatments are completely safe and well tolerated. There really isn’t any limitation as to who could improve their skin with this simple procedure. The punctures/channels are only superficial and they are so small that they begin healing immediately. There isn’t any recovery, and there isn’t any risk for hyperpigmentation. This is a great procedure for all skin tones and skin types — all you have to want is better skin!
How Long Does A Vivace Treatment Take?
The actual RF microneedling takes about 45 minutes. You also need to factor in the 30-45 minutes for the numbing cream to take effect.
Is There Recovery Or Downtime After My Vivace Treatment?
There is no downtime after these amazing treatments. You can go right back to work or other normal activities.
How Many Sessions Will I Need Before I See My Results?
At The Menkes Clinic, we’ve found that patients see the skin tightening and improved texture they want after three sessions. You’ll start to see changes in as little as two weeks. From there, you’ll notice real changes as your production of collagen and elastin ramps up due to the combination of microneedling, radiofrequency energy, and LED light energy. Your body will continue this process for up to six months after your treatment.
Are Vivace Treatments Painful?
At The Menkes Clinic, we use the Personalized Compounded Numbing Cream that is recommended for these treatments. This is applied 30-45 minutes prior to your treatment and it keeps you comfortable. Patients say the treatments are comfortable and easy to take. Others say they are virtually pain free. With facial skin, most patients say they can feel light pressure, with an occasional light sparking feeling as the RF energy is delivered.
Is Vivace Safe?
These treatments are completely non-invasive, do not require any recovery or downtime, and are free from side effects. They are approved for skin tightening by the FDA. In theory, the only possible problem could come from infection from the microneedling portion of the process, but we use a new, sterile, 36-needle gold-plated head for every treatment to ensure everything is completely clean.
Vivace RF Before & After
The patient had a series of 6 treatments: 3 IPL treatments and and 3 Vivace RF Microneedling treatments.