Hemangiomas on the face, head, neck, or other areas of your infant can be quite concerning. These strawberry-colored marks can begin at birth as microscopic blood vessels and collect on or just beneath the skin. At first, a hemangioma may look like nothing more than a red speck, a small “blood blister”. These tiny, solid growths can grow rapidly, however, during the first several months of life.

It is important to know that a hemangioma does not mean that your child has cancer or another concerning health condition. These growths also are typically not painful, although they may bleed at times. They typically occur only on the skin, and only as solitary growths.
It is not known exactly why some children develop hemangiomas and others do not. This type of growth, which is more commonly seen in multiples, premature babies, and girls, is in no way the fault of a parent.
Because every person is different, there is no way to estimate how large a hemangioma may grow. What typically occurs, however, is that growth will reach its maximum size around six months of age. The hemangioma may remain its maximum size for several months before it gradually shrinks, or it may begin to shrink right away.
Many hemangiomas can simply be monitored by your pediatric dermatologist. There are some, however, for which treatment is warranted. Children whose growth develops a sore are at a higher risk of scarring and should be seen for safe, gentle treatment at The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center. Hemangiomas that are located in certain areas, as well, may require treatment so as not to disrupt normal function. Our experienced, board certified physicians can help you determine if treatment is necessary for your child, and explain details about hemangiomas, alleviating stress surrounding your child’s condition.
Treatment Options
Hemangiomas tend to go away on their own. However, there are instances in which treatment can encourage shrinkage. Hemangiomas may be treated with specific medications, when warranted. Options include both oral medications, such as beta blockers, and topical medication. A steroid medication such as prednisone may also be considered. In some cases, laser therapy may be the most suitable approach. Each patient has unique needs and receives care tailored to achieve the desired outcome.
We understand that a rapidly growing hemangioma can cause a great deal of stress. Our doctors and staff are happy to explain the details of hemangiomas and offer possible treatment solutions. Contact The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center to learn more about this condition and our services.