Freezing fat cells refines facial profiles in Mountain View

womanYou don’t have to be overweight to have double chin. Submental fat can be a hereditary trait. Historically, liposuction was necessary to eliminate this fat deposit. Today, we have amazing non- and minimally-invasive options including freezing fat cells. Individuals in the Mountain View area find CoolSculpting technology at The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center.

Impact of double chin

  • Appearance of excess weight – Submental fat makes your face look heavier from a front or side view. That can give the overall impression that you weigh more than you do.
  • Aging effect – “Triangle of youth” describes a face that is widest at the temples and tapers to the chin. Excess flesh at the jowls and neck results in a rectangular face shape that we associate with age. Double chin adds years to the face.
  • Poorly defined jaw – Our culture favors a square jaw for a strong male profile, and a narrow chin for a feminine female silhouette. Double chin blurs the line of the jaw.

CoolMini treatment

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive technique that permanently destroys fat cells. Dr. Andrew Menkes uses this technology to target submental fat with the CoolMini applicator. You simply relax while double chin is pulled to the device with gentle suction. Tissue is cooled, crystalizing fat cells without harm to surface skin or other organs.

You begin to see noticeable change within a few weeks, as fat cells die and are flushed from the body. Improvement continues for up to six months. Skin may be a bit pink after treatment, but there is no downtime. Dr. Menkes usually suggest two sessions, spaced a month or more apart, for optimal reduction in double chin.

To learn more about conquering double chin by freezing fat cells, schedule a CoolSculpting consultation at The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center. In Mountain View, call (650) 962-4600.

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